Monday, April 12, 2010

Video Converter

Ok, so I got a new computer, go to install pspvideo9, and lo and behold it is a new release which is a) not working and b) opening tons of popups. Bad combo.So, does anyone else have a good converter that they use?btw, I know there have been other threads, but I haven't seen a good one for awhile and programs change.Video Converter
Ya, PSPvideo9 is notorious for it's pop ups and ads. While extremely hard to find now, there used to be a program out there called 123Movies 2PSP which was sold in retail stores like Best Buy and Circut City that I heard was an ok program. It's not free, and I don't know if it's still around, but maybe you could find it in a bargin bin somewhere.Video Converter
Protip: anything that has ''converter'' or ''PSP'' in the name of the program has a near-100% chance of being junkware. Don't download stuff like that, and also stay clear of ANYTHING that is payware (even if it offers a trial)Do yourself a favor and get [URL=]HandBrake.[/URL] Completely free, open-source, and vastly superior to pretty much all of that payware crap. Just use the PSP preset/profile.
[QUOTE=''Velocitas8'']Protip: anything that has ''converter'' or ''PSP'' in the name of the program has a near-100% chance of being junkware. Don't download stuff like that, and also stay clear of ANYTHING that is payware (even if it offers a trial)Do yourself a favor and get [URL=]HandBrake.[/URL] Completely free, open-source, and vastly superior to pretty much all of that payware crap. Just use the PSP preset/profile.[/QUOTE]

Yep, Handbrake here. Incidentally, I have been able to use it to convert DVDs, but not existing video files. Any experience with that?
Anyone have another option? HandBrake doesn't have a volume control which I need.

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