Friday, April 16, 2010

monster hunter or crisis core

which one is better monster hunter or crisis core l want your opinionmonster hunter or crisis core
Crisis Core but Monster Hunter is also great.Crisis Core actually has story, cutscenes, etc. Monster Hunter is great if you love monster grinding on the go, but I suggest Crisis Core since the story is great and you'll really connect with the characters. Monster Hunter is fun but is more of a brainless romp. After you're done playing you'll ask, ''What the hell did I just play?''monster hunter or crisis core
I have 40 hours into Crisis Core, really enjoyed it and did everything there was to do more or less. I'm about 90 hours into Monster Hunter and I am still really only at the tip of the iceberg as far as content available to me, it's also great and very addictive.Best bang for your buck is monster hunter, but it is difficult, if you want something that is easier go with crisis core, if you want a lasting challenge go with monster hunter.
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite: more depth, more content, and more skill base. No story and pretty much a VERY HARDgame.Crisis Core FF: Has a story, easy gameplay
If you have friends with MHFU, get that. It will easily outlast most games if you're into it.
I have to vote for crisis core, mainly because I haven't played monster hunter. However what I can say is Crisis core is the only game to almost make me cry, because I was that connected with the characters. It easily is one of the best stories in a game by far. So if u are looking for great gameplay with an amazing story go for Crisis Core
In my opinion Monster Hunter United is the better title. I've had more fun with it than Crisis Core.
crisis core too dull it may seem fun but its just a spin off and storybefore final fantasy vii ithink theres really no point unless you are reallyinto final fantasy vii, get monster hunter this game will keep you going takes a while to get the rare items to make agood armor
I'd say both are must-have PSP games.
But if you have to pick one, I'd say go for Crisis Core if you're into more story and character driven games, or Munster Hunter if you're into challenging games that can last for hundreds of hours.

If you've played and enjoyed FFVII, then Crisis Core is a great supplement to that. If you have a friend or two that play Monster Hunter, you'll have a blast going on hunting quests together with them.
i 'd say Crisis Core. It's not only the story , but it has much replay value too. But if you have friends who also own Monster Hunter , tht'a what you should buy...the ad-hoc is great...
FF Crisis core: If you want to play alone.

Monster Hunter: If your friends have monster hunter, you should play this game.
i dont like story driven games but i dont like difficult games cos i aint a hardcore gamer
CRISIS CORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well if you like final fantasy 7 then yes get crisis core. or really ,just make you on desicon
Dissidia Final Fantasy of course ! :)
FFVII: Crisis Core All The way man! Monster Hunter was a good game too but you know, i liked crisis core better.
i vote monster hunter
Imo crisis core is better. But they are both great games.
I have Finlay Fantasy Crissie Core. and its extremely satisfying and enjoying it. (DARN THIS BOSS BATTLE.. grumble). But im embarrassed to say that i don't own monster hunter and i really want. so lets just say i wish i had an opinion on this.
Depends on what kind of games you like really. It's pretty hard to compare 2 different Genre of games, but as far as hours played and time spent, I spent much much more time on Monster Hunter than Crisis Core. Both Are really good games but it's really up to you.
I prefer FFVIICC, then again ive played through FFVII multiple times and enjoyed FFVIICC's continuation/extension of the story. In total i think ive got about 100 hrs on it. i played through by myself on normal mode, then had new game + on hard mode with a walkthrough to try get 100%. Then after not playing it for a while i started it again on normal just cause i like the story.

only played about 10hrs of monster hunter... i guess it really is a love it or hate it kind of game.
  • lipgloss
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