I own 5 of them...I like the list. Although i disagree with GOW being the second best , while Crisis Core is 10th.I 'm glad they put Silent Hill : Origins ,however.it deserves it...IGN's top 25 PSP games of all time
[QUOTE=''aggelos6'']I own 5 of them...I like the list. Although i disagree with GOW being the second best , while Crisis Core is 10th.I 'm glad they put Silent Hill : Origins ,however.it deserves it...[/QUOTE] good for you for having 5 games on this list, as i only have 3. on thing i dont like about the list is the absence of Tekken DR.
I'm very disappointed to see Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles didn't make it to the top 25.
i wouldnt play most of those games
Then you are hardly a gamer.I have/had ( traded some ) 10 of the titles.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[QUOTE=''digimonkey12'']Then you are hardly a gamer.[/QUOTE]
Great game, have it too.
[QUOTE=''boybrushdred'']here's the linkso IGN listed their top 25 games of all tim for a lot of systems already. and now, the listed their top 25 for the psp. is this really the psp's top 25? if so, then i'm missing a lot 'coz as of now, i only have 3 games from this list.25. Disgaea: Afetrnoon of darkness24. Hammerin' Hero23. Jeanne D'Arc22. Space Invader's Extreme21. Pursuit Force - Exteme Justice20. FF Tactics - War of the Lions19. Sid Meier's Pirates!18. Silent Hill Origins17. Killzone - Liberation16. Daxter15. Downstream Panic!14. LocoRoco 213. WipeOut Pulse12. Puzzle Quest - Challenge of the Warlords11. GTA - Vice city Stories10. Crisis Core FF79. Hot Shots Golf Open Tee 28. Rock Band Unplugged7. Lumines II6. Syphon Filter - Logan's Shadow5. Dissidia: Final Fantasy4. Resistance Retribution3. MGS Portable Ops2. God of War - Chains of olympus1. Patapon 2[/QUOTE] ahh this list is pretty bad. there are way better games than some in this list. i don't think this list is based on other facts(votes/sales/ratings) besides some random ign employee's opinion. no ace combat x, castlevania: dracula x chronicles, burnout legend or dominator, metal slug anthology, x-men legends: rise of apocalypse or marvel ultimate alliance, and no TEKKEN: DARK RESURRECTION?!? ya i change my mind, its not just bad, it goes in the garbage. 3 games i disagree on being on the list : downstream panic, hammering hero, pursuit force extreme justice.
I have three of that list. :?
Absence of tales of eternia makes this list a complete fail.
That they consider this the best of psp makes me a tad depressed with my psp purchase, thank god for PS1 awesomeness
[QUOTE=''hot114'']Absence of tales of eternia makes this list a complete fail.
That they consider this the best of psp makes me a tad depressed with my psp purchase, thank god for PS1 awesomeness[/QUOTE]hey remember your own qoute from a few weeks ago in that silent hill thread? here i will remind you: ''Useless fanbase drivel whats next, not brushing your teeth will allow you to enjoy macdonalds flavor longer?'' absence of one game does not make a whole list fail.
[QUOTE=''jasontdoto''][QUOTE=''hot114'']Absence of tales of eternia makes this list a complete fail.
That they consider this the best of psp makes me a tad depressed with my psp purchase, thank god for PS1 awesomeness[/QUOTE]hey remember your own qoute from a few weeks ago in that silent hill thread? here i will remind you: ''Useless fanbase drivel whats next, not brushing your teeth will allow you to enjoy macdonalds flavor longer?'' absence of one game does not make a whole list fail.[/QUOTE] Let me expand on that with the following titles ontop of eternia.
Monster hunter
Valkyrie profile: lenneth
Gitaroo man lives!
Ultimate ghosts and goblins
Castlevania: The Dracula X chronicles
ys: ark of napthism
Pangya (my current fafourite trainride comapnion)
Very well personal taste/bias may exclude well over half of that list if my taste really does suck hard but not seeing any of these 8 titles back on that list shows me the list is either extremely biased or the author simply dident do his homework properly
-Edit damn gamespots format eating forum!
Alot of good games in there, but the order seems pretty messed up and there are some extremely disappointing omissions. No Monster Hunter Freedom: Unite? Absurd.And why is Rockband: Unplugged so high up? It takes out half the fun of the game! (no instrument controllers or microphone)
Space Invaders was great back in the 80's and early 90's, but I hardly think it should be considered one of the PSP's best.And no Castlevania X Chronicles... Two great games in one. No mention of it. :(
[QUOTE=''hot114''][QUOTE=''jasontdoto''][QUOTE=''hot114'']Absence of tales of eternia makes this list a complete fail.
That they consider this the best of psp makes me a tad depressed with my psp purchase, thank god for PS1 awesomeness[/QUOTE]hey remember your own qoute from a few weeks ago in that silent hill thread? here i will remind you: ''Useless fanbase drivel whats next, not brushing your teeth will allow you to enjoy macdonalds flavor longer?'' absence of one game does not make a whole list fail.[/QUOTE] Let me expand on that with the following titles ontop of eternia.
Monster hunter
Valkyrie profile: lenneth
Gitaroo man lives!
Ultimate ghosts and goblins
Castlevania: The Dracula X chronicles
ys: ark of napthism
Pangya (my current fafourite trainride comapnion)
Very well personal taste/bias may exclude well over half of that list if my taste really does suck hard but not seeing any of these 8 titles back on that list shows me the list is either extremely biased or the author simply dident do his homework properly
-Edit damn gamespots format eating forum![/QUOTE]I have/had ( traded some ) 10 of the titles if Ultimate ghosts and goblins Castlevania: The Dracula X chronicles was on the list it would have been 12, so I would say that list is as accurate as It can be and I only have 15 PSP games. It is not pure coincidence that I have so many games from the list because I know what I like in games.
I have played 12 games on that lists and I agree that there are many omissions. I know that many here will disagree on Patapon 2 as #1, but in almost 2 years with my PSP, it's the best I've played. I just couldn't put it down to the tune of almost 70 hours.
I've got 5 and I plan to get a couple of the others.
Where is Monster hunter and Valkyrie profile: lenneth
I have 9 of the games on there but my order would be way different. I did get LocoRoco 2 but I mainly got it for my sister. I have Patapon but not the 2nd, the second just doesn't seem to add anything new in terms of mechanics so I passed up on it.
This list is epic fail. No Tekken DR? It's like one of the highest rated PSP games!Also, no SoulCalibur BD? No SF Alpha 3, Mega Man Powered Up, or Prinny? No Monster Hunter Freedom Unite? Jeanne D`Arc only at #25? Patapon 2 considered best PSP game?Whatever. IGN top 25 lists are laughable.
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